Food Menu

Lunch – Pernil azado - Pulled pork
Appetizer – Alcapurri, potato ball, beef empanadas and sweet plantaing
Chicharron de cerdo Concrek pork skin
Sandwich de pollo - Chicken sub
Sandwich de chorizo - Choripan sub
Sandwich Cubano - Cuban sub
Tripleta - Triple meat sub
Piononos - Meat roll of sweet plantaing
Flan de vinilla - Vanilla flan
Chuletas fritas - Fried pork chops
Ensalada de carrucho - Conch meat salad
Chicharron de pollo - Boneless crispy chicken
Carne frita - Fried pork meat
Ensalada mixta de marisco - Mix seafood salad
Chillo frito - Fried red snapper
Fajitas de pollo - Chicken fajitas

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